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Caring about the future of our community
in Thornbury and the surrounding villages

ST Bulletin

October 2013

Energy-Smart Homes Trail

This bulletin is all about the Thornbury Energy-Smart Homes Trail on the weekend of Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th October. We have changed the name from Warm Homes Trail, so don't be confused.

What is it?

One community building and 13 modern and old homes in Thornbury and Alveston will be open to the public, all with interesting energy features, including:

  • solid wall insulation;
  • air-source heat pump;
  • wood burning stoves;
  • heat-exchanging extractor;
  • programmable radiator valves.

This will be an opportunity to see how other people save energy and money, and to talk to them about the benefits and problems. The event will be from 12 noon to 6pm each day, but individual properties may not be open for the whole time. The weekend will be similar to Bristol Green Doors. Please come along, and tell your friends, family and colleagues about it.

More details

We now have an Energy-Smart Homes Trail website, where you can read the details of all the homes, where they are, the opening times and what features they have. This will be kept up-to-date with the latest news and corrections. There will be case study sheets at each house with all the details of that house.

There is a map leaflet (PDF 1.5MB) showing all the houses, opening times and their features. Paper copies can be picked up from Thornbury Library or Thornbury Town Hall. Please note that while this leaflet was correct when it went to press, there may be changes, so check with the website. If you live in Alveston, there will be a reduced version of the map leaflet in the centre of the October Helmet. There is also a Facebook page.

The Hub

There will be a Hub at The Swan in Thornbury High Street, where you can get help finding the open homes, and get expert advice on Saturday on energy saving and grants and loans for energy efficiency.

Householder and steward briefing

If you are a householder or a steward, don't forget the briefing on Monday 7 October at 7:45pm at The Chantry.


This event has been organised by Sustainable Thornbury in partnership with South Gloucestershire Council, and supported with a generous grant from the Energy Saving Trust.

Thanks are due to all the householders and stewards and all those who have worked so hard to make this event happen.

Discussions and planning

The next three meetings are Wed 23 October, Wed 27 November and the Christmas Social on Wed 11 December.

We have discussions and plan what we are doing at meetings on the fourth Wednesday of most months at 7:30pm at The Chantry. The first hour or so is often a talk or general discussion that we call Sustainability Forum. Then we have a tea break and talk about what the project groups are doing. All are welcome.

Grow Your Own Food

The Grow Your Own Food group has a meeting most months, usually on a Thursday at 7:30pm. For details see the web page or ring 01454-412165. The Grow Your Own Food group also has an email group; to subscribe email gyof-subscribe@yahoogroups.com


Mon 7 Oct: Briefing for Energy-Smart householders and stewards, The Chantry, 7:45pm.

Sat 19, Sun 20 Oct: Energy-Smart Homes Trail, 12 - 6pm.

Wed 23 Oct: ST general meeting, 7:30pm, The Chantry.

Thu 14 Nov: Grow Your Own Food group - 7:30pm. Planning the 2014 programme.

Wed 27 Nov: ST general meeting, 7:30pm, The Chantry.

Wed 11 Dec: ST Christmas Social, 7:30pm, The Chantry.

For more dates see the website diary page.

Contact us Thank you for your support 

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