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Caring about the future of our community
in Thornbury and the surrounding villages

ST Bulletin

November 2011

New!! Reuse and Recycling directory

Have you ever wondered what to do with your unwanted things so they don't end up in a landfill hole in the ground? Then see our new Reuse and Recycle Directory, with lots of contacts, help and tips on disposing of the things you no longer want.

The ST waste group has put this directory together. It can be seen on the ST website, or a paper copy can be seen at the library. If you have any suggestions, corrections or updates then please contact the waste group.

EcoFair, Saturday 19 May 2012

The date for the next EcoFair has been set as Saturday 19th May 2012. Following the success of the first EcoFair in May 2010, the 2012 EcoFair  will be similarly exciting but a different mix of information, entertainment, demonstrations, things to do, things to buy and refreshments. For more details as they are decided, see the EcoFair web pages. As in 2010 it will be at The Chantry in Thornbury. 

The EcoFair team would welcome any help planning the event. To contact the team please email ecofair@sustainablethornbury.org. Everyone who helped last time had a good time, so please keep this day free and offer as much time as you can to help on the day and in the week beforehand.

South Glos Sustainable Community Strategy

The Sustainable Community Strategy for South Gloucestershire is being revised. This document sets out the main aims for public organisations, such as the Council and the Health Service in South Gloucestershire until 2026. There is a consultation on the new draft Strategy until 18 November. Sustainable Thornbury is putting together a response, and asking members to contribute their views. In addition, you can respond as an individual by filling in the questionnaire or emailing.

Lodge Farm

Last year Sustainable Thornbury responded to the South Gloucestershire Council consultation on the disposal of Lodge Farm in the parish of Alveston. We suggested that part of the land become a community resource for ecological leisure and educational activities. Earlier this year, the Council asked us to expand on our proposals over the next 12 months. We will be seeking ideas and support from throughout South Gloucestershire and particularly the people of Alveston for what could be a very exiting venture.

Food Preserving

The food preserving workshop was a great success. We have set up a page on food preserving in the Hints and Tips section of the website. It contains all the books, methods and recipes from the workshop. If you have a favourite recipe send it to us and we'll put it on.

In the workshop, Alan said that the new Kilner jars could not be heated like the old Kilner jars, which are no longer available. Alan and Margaret have now tested the hot water bath method of bottling fruit which will work with these jars. More details on the website.

Thornbury Harvest local food scheme

Are you looking for local fresh organic vegetables to buy every week? The vegetable scheme, set up by Sustainable Thornbury with the Sheiling School, has now become a community co-operative, called Thornbury Harvest Co-operative Limited, or Thornbury Harvest for short. As well as the Thursday collections, vegetables can now be delivered, or collected from Bonds Estate Agent on Friday or Saturday. Vegetable shares are no longer fixed, but members have a choice of vegetables from a list.

The scheme is still looking for new members, so please look on the website or ring 01454-416778 if you are interested.

Occupy Thornbury

New protest group Occupy Thornbury says: "Our current economic and political system makes it near impossible to create resilient towns, villages and cities. People all over the world are waking up to these system failures in a visible way: the Occupy Movement. Thornbury needs to respond, too. Behaviour change is not good enough." To find out more, Twitter OccupyThornbury, look on Facebook or email.

Facebook group

We have a Facebook group and a Facebook page. If you are on Facebook, do have a look, join the group, like the page and share with your friends. If you are not on Facebook, you can still see the Facebook page.

Discussions and planning

We have discussions and plan what we are doing at meetings on the fourth Wednesday of most months at 7:30pm at The Chantry. The first hour or so is a talk or general discussion called Sustainability Forum, then we have a tea break and talk about what the project groups are doing. All are welcome. 

The next three meetings are Wed 23 Nov (with a talk about the Bristol Pound), Wed 25 Jan (with a talk by Bristol Community Energy) and Wed 22 Feb. We also have a Christmas Social on Wed 14 Dec at the same time and place. All members and supporters are welcome; please bring nibbles to share.

Grow Your Own Food

The Grow Your Own Food group has a meeting most months, usually on a Thursday at 7:30pm. The next meeting is a fun quiz on Thursday 10 November. Please ring 412165 for more details. Click here for meetings after that or ring 01454-412165. The Grow Your Own Food group also has an email group; to subscribe email gyof-subscribe@yahoogroups.com


Thu 10 November: Grow Your Own Food quiz, 7:30pm. 44 Castle Street.

Wed 23 November: Monthly ST meeting, 7:30pm, The Chantry. Forum: The Bristol Pound.

Thu 8 December: Grow Your Own Food social, 7:30pm, The Anchor Inn

Wed 14 December: ST Christmas Social, 7:30pm, The Chantry

Thu 12 January: Grow Your Own Food Tomatoes and aubergines, 7:30pm. 44 Castle St.

Wed 25 January: Monthly ST meeting, 7:30pm, The Chantry. Forum: Bristol Community Energy

Sat 11 February: Grow Your Own Food Orchard day. 11am at the Community Orchard.
Wed 22 February: Monthly ST meeting, 7:30pm, The Chantry. Forum: The Re-Economy project.

Sat 19 May 2012: EcoFair, all day, The Chantry

Membership subscriptions

The AGM decided to end the experiment of charging for membership. Membership is now free - just send us your contact details.

Contact us Thank you for your support 

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